Elohim Great Banquet & Awakening Community

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To view all News & Announcements you will need to be logged in. If you have attended the Great Banquet or Awakening you are a member of this Community and are welcome to register to view the information for upcoming weekends.

Things you might be looking for:
Weekend Schedule with Names
Guest Lists
Recent E-Newsletter
Registration and Sponsor Forms
Local Announcements
Lay Directors
Just click on the Community News & Announcements Button to take you to the Community Information hub where you will be able to find all the information you need under the Announcements Tab or the Information Tab.
We want you to stay connected and informed! We send out E-Newsletters periodically to give you news about upcoming weekends. Click to sign up or fine tune your preferences, which means to make sure you are signed up to receive the emails about your Local Community.

Upcoming Dates
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Here are some helpful links for Guests about to attend a weekend.
P O Box 327
Marshall IL 62441
Jerry Williams 217-948-5540
Awakening Contact:
Jason Starr – jstarr@sycamores.indstate.edu – 812-201-3919
Location: Illiana Camp, 5851 W Sara Myers Dr., West Terre Haute IN 47885
The focus of the Great Banquet and Awakening is to know Jesus as Savior and Lord and to make Him known. The objective of the Great Banquet and Awakening is to continue the 3-day weekend by serving Christ in local churches, homes and work places. To live a life of grace and to respond to higher levels of Christian discipleship becomes the purpose of the Great Banquet and Awakening.
This weekend experience is for anyone who:
- Wishes to strengthen their spiritual life
- Wants to have a better understanding of prayer, the sacraments, study, and Christian action
- Strives to live a Christian life that bears fruit for God
- Seeks to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to make Him known
You are invited to be a guest at the Great Banquet or Awakening (high school youth) given by God, and to feast in His goodness and love.
To attend a Great Banquet or Awakening, one must be sponsored by someone who has already attended. If you are interested in attending but don’t have a sponsor, please complete an application and contact the church office for assistance.
Community News & Announcements
Lampstand Newsletters and Community announcements are a great place to find out when new dates have been posted for upcoming events. Plus you can find out when and where New Communities are starting up. Check out all the new and exciting information about the growth of the Great Banquet & Awakening!
Audio Messages for your 4th days
Looking for something to help you stay on track and growing in your faith during all your 4th days? Check out the recorded messages by Jack Pitzer, the author and creator of the Great Banquet & Awakening. You can order CDs of specific messages or listen to current topics on podcast.
Do you have unanswered questions? If you are looking for answers please check out our Frequently Asked Questions Section. If you still don't find your answer please submit your question so that we can add it to our list for everyone.
See the FAQ section to answer some of your questions.