Prayer Vigil Edit

Remove Sign Up from Lampstand 72 Hour Prayer Vigil

* For Immediate Removal Please Click the Link in the Bottom of your Confirmation Email *

Enter the information below if you need to have your name removed from the Prayer Vigil and do not have your confirmation Email.
Please allow 7 days for your name to be removed.

(If the weekend you signed up to pray for is happening this week please do NOT submit this form.  Please call someone you know and have them take your spot.)

Only fill this form out if you have deleted your confirmation email and can not access the remove button.

To remove your sign up all you need to do is click the link at the bottom of your original confirmation email and your signup will automatically be removed.

Do Not Submit this form if the weekend is happening now or in the next 7 days!

Please call someone and find a replacement for your spot.